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EOQ webinar – Quality Made In Sweden*

Teams webinar

Niklas Hedin, Centiro CEO and EOL Second Finalist will share his perspective ; "The secret ingredients to a high-performing quality culture"


Nettbasert undervisning, Teams

"Hvordan aggregerer vi risikoene?"
Påmelding til tematime med 45 min innlegg fra kursleder Ayse Nordal og 15 min diskusjon og erfaringsoverføring.



Nettbasert undervisning, Teams

Hvordan lager man en god risikotaksonomi? Påmelding til tematime med 45 min innlegg fra kursleder Ayse Nordal og 15 min diskusjon og erfaringsoverføring.


EOQ Quality Congress 2024

First European Congress on Improvement initiatives. Professionals from Europe and all over the world come to meet, learn and benchmark. The Congress will take place in Reims, a French city known worldwide for its champagne.

Fact-Based Decision Making in the Digital Age

This Roundtable expert team will explore how digital transformation and data analytics can strengthen fact-based decision-making, amplifying TQM principles and driving sustainable business success.