Word-Leading Experts opening the EOQ Congress 2025

Global attractions opening the EOQ Congress 2025, Oslo
Catch and enjoy this rare opportunity to meet and listen to two living legends, at the same stage at hotel Quality Expo at Fornebu, Oslo on the 12th and 13th of June. Extremely skilled, knowledgeable and globally professional quality management leaders that pragmatically share their views and reflections on the rapid technological development for quality.
Here are their introduction summaries:

Dr. Robert Schmitt,
DGQ President – Germany
Since 2021, Prof. Robert Schmitt has been President of the German Association for Quality.
From 2004, Dr.-Ing. Robert Schmitt was appointed professor at RWTH Aachen University. He is heading the Chair of Intelligence in Quality Sensing (IQS) at WZL, the production engineering institute. In 2005 he joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology, IPT. His research areas are in the field of information processing in metrology and data driven quality management.
In 1997 Professor Schmitt moved on to MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG (commercial vehicles) in Munich where he took on leading positions in the fields of Quality and Production. In 2002 he assumed responsibility for the commercial vehicle production in Steyr, Austria.
Robert Schmitt, born in 1961, completed his studies of Electrical Engineering with the specialization on Communications Engineering at RWTH Aachen University and became a research associate at the Chair for Metrology and Quality Management there. His work focused on production-related Metrology and Communications Engineering in an automated environment.

Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo,
CEO Juran Institute, USA
World-Leading Expert
Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo has been at the forefront of building cultures of excellence through the management of quality and business excellence.
Joe has dedicated his life’s work to the pursuit of helping organizations across the globe improve the quality of their products, processes, people and profit. As one of the world’s leading experts on the development of effective and efficient quality and operational excellence programs, he has worked as a trusted advisor to a multitude of businesses and business leaders – helping them to increase sales, reduce costs and improve their overall customer experience.
Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo,
Global Speaker and Author
Dr. DeFeo continues to research, write and host regular webinars that provide guidance and strategic tips enabling leaders to embed quality practices into their organizations, and share their knowledge with colleagues.
As the author of numerous popular texts on specialist subjects – including the ‘go-to’ resource for quality management and operational excellence leaders, Juran’s Quality Handbook: The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence – and as a renowned public speaker for colleges, academies and forums across the world,
See the eoqcongress2025.com for information, program, registration for speakers candidate, participants and sponsors.
Looking forward to seeing you together with 500 other professionals and global colleagues in Oslo in June!
International Organizing Committee
Patrick Mongillon, EOQ President
Pedro Saraiva, EOQ 1st Vice President
Vince Desmond, EOQ Vice President
Ulf Gustavsson, EOQ Secretary General
Torolf Paulshus, EOQ Vice President, QRN CEO
Welcome to the EOQ Congress 2025
On behalf of the European Organization for Quality, EOQ, Quality & Risk Norway is pleased to invite you to the EOQ Congress 2025 in Oslo where you can register as a participant or a speaker.
EOQ, European Organization for Quality, Congress Owner
QRN, Quality & Risk Norway, Congress Organizer