Welcome to the EOQ Congress 2025

We are happy to share the invitation with national representatives
Kvalitet og Risiko Norge har sin internasjonale nettverksforankring i den europeiske kvalitetsforeningen EOQ.
Vi har herved gleden av å kunne tilby våre medlemmer mulighet for å delta i fagsamlinger og webinar i EOQ regi.

On behalf of the EOQ, Quality & Risk Norway is pleased to invite you to the EOQ Congress 2025 in Oslo where you can register as a participant or a speaker.
See the www.eoqcongress2025.com for information, program, registration for speakers candidate, participants and sponsors.
There are several options in the program for you and your organisation, including:
- Meet and network with 500 colleagues from all over Europe and the rest of the world;
- 60 speakers in 6 plenary sessions, 4 panel discussions and 5 parallel sessions during 2 days;
- Meet 22 other EOQ National Representatives and leaders;
- Meet all EOQ Global Partners speakers and representatives;
- Meet sponsors and exhibitors;
- Participate in honoring both the new EQL, European Quality Leader, and for the first time ever, the WQL, the World Quality Leader;
- Enjoy both a Congress welcome and a Congress Banquette;
- There is Group Registration option available for 10 participants or more.
Time is short, and it is less than 140 days to the opening of the Congress.
Looking forward to seeing you together with 500 other professionals and global colleagues at Fornebu, Oslo in June!