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On Beauty: Redefining Progress and Sustainability Through Quality

19. september 2024 / 15:00 - 16:00

Kvalitet og Risiko Norge > Kursoversikt > On Beauty: Redefining Progress and Sustainability Through Quality

On Beauty: Redefining Progress and Sustainability Through Quality

Quality can be defined as an economic characteristic, as fitness for use. Though partly true, it is not how most people experience quality.

19. september 2024 / 15:00 16:00

In quality management we have defined quality as an economic characteristic, as fitness for use. Though partly true, it is not how most people experience quality. In this presentation we will show that quality is a complex mix of different aspects but first and foremost a feeling. That makes it important to think beyond technical and economic factors, and to be attentive to the beauty of a design or the quality of human interactions.

Stepping out of our organizational box, quality can be of crucial value in preserving our biosphere. We tend to underestimate the power of our knowledge. By putting quality above quantity we can redefine progress and sustainability and create a better world for all living things. A vital necessity because we simply cannot afford to lose all that natural beauty!

Willy Vandenbrande has been working in the field of Quality Management for over 35 years; first as a quality manager and later as a consultant. Today he is focusing on spreading his thoughts on quality through publications and presentations. His main topics are sustainability, the future of quality and face-to-face service quality. He recently published the book “Reflections on Quality in 101/2 Columns”.

Willy has delivered many presentations at international conferences (WCQI, EOQ, IAQ) and has written numerous articles on Quality Management. His thought-provoking speeches are very much liked by audiences all over the globe.

Willy is an ASQ Fellow and an Academician of the International Academy for Quality (IAQ). Within IAQ he is the current chair of the Quality in Planet Earth Concerns Think Tank. In 2019 he was awarded the ASQ E. Jack Lancaster Medal for outstanding leadership in promoting quality worldwide.


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