First European Congress on Improvement initiatives. Professionals from Europe and all over the world come to meet, learn and benchmark. The Congress will take place in Reims, a French city known worldwide for its champagne.
14. november 2024 / 09:00 – 15. november 2024 / 17:00

At the moment we are looking ahead to the next EOQ QUALITY CONGRESS, which will take place in Reims on 14 and 15 November 2024.
The EOQ congress, yearly organized since 1957 by a National Representative in his/her country, is a showroom for the EOQ and its worldwide network. It offers quality organizations a platform and a unique opportunity to learn and network.
In this presentation, you can already read the first details of the upcoming edition, hosted by the EOQ French national representative, AFQP.
For an update on the latest state of affairs, please consult the Congress website.
Start:14 November 2024End:15 November 2024Event Categories: Congres, EventsEvent Tags:congress, EOQ, EOQ Quality Congress, European Organization for Quality, quality, Reims 2024Website:www.eoq.org