Kvalitetsskolen – The Quality School (English)

In this online training program in practical quality work, you will learn about quality and quality management, structure of quality and quality such as profit and quality costs.
The training package is suitable for all interested parties and people who work with quality at different levels, people who want a career within the field of quality and management systems.
Language: English
Requirements for prior knowledge: None
Are you a group and would like this training package as an internal company program? Feel free to contact us at info@qrn.no for more information.
kr 10500
Om kurset
In this online training program in practical quality work, you will learn about quality and quality management, the structure of quality, and quality such as profit and quality costs.
The training package is suitable for all interested parties and people who work with quality at different levels, people who want a career within the field of quality and management systems.
Language: English
Requirements for prior knowledge: None
Are you a group and would like this training package as an internal company program? Feel free to contact us at info@qrn.no for more information.
kr 10500
Er dere en gruppe og ønsker dette kurset som et bedriftsinternt kursprogram?
Vi har svært dyktige og erfarne fagpersoner, forelesere og pedagoger som har lang erfaring med bedriftsinterne kursprogram.
Send gjerne en mail til info@qrn.no eller ring oss på (+47) 67 80 89 50 for mer informasjon.