EOQ Webinar (eng) presenting an overview of the latest of IoE. "Empowering organizations to achieve excellence”. In this webinar, the latest research will be shared
30. januar 2024 / 09:00 – 10:00
EOQ Webinar presenting an overview of the latest “Insights on Excellence (IoE)
The Insight on Excellence, IoE, is performed by the American Society for Quality Excellence. ASQExcellence (ASQE) was founded in January 2020 as a trade association whose mission is to set the standard for quality-driven offerings and insights worldwide, inspiring the organizations it serves to achieve excellence. ASQE provides expertise, insights, thought leadership, networks, and resources to a global membership of organizations and their affiliated individuals representing a wide range of industries and cultures.
The objectives of IoE are to:
- Establish a platform for annual research
- Build the foundation for an Excellence Maturity Model
- Provide a tool to measure and benchmark performance
- Identify opportunities to establish thought leadership in offerings and content
“Empowering organizations to achieve excellence”
In this webinar, the latest research will be shared including comparisons between Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, and the Rest of the world.
When: January 30, 09.00-10.00 (CET)

Paulo Sampaio
“Empowering organizations to achieve excellence”
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